Floyd IS music
Floyd Country Store
Website: www.floydcountrystore.com/
Shop: www.floydcountrystore.com/shop/
The store is an incubator for local heritage music and dancing. Year-round you can count on music and dancing every Friday evening, Americana music every Saturday afternoon and a traditional mountain music jam every Sunday. Many Saturday evenings we feature an old-time dance or concert.
Heart of the Child Music Education
www.heartofthechildmusic.com Shop: www.heartofthechildmusic.com
Joyful interactive music classes for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers and their caregivers. Instrument packets. Children's CD of songs to celebrate life, feelings, and the "way down deep inside you."
Mountain Fever Music Group
Website: www.mountainfever.com/
Shop: mountainfever.com/store/
We produce music for a variety of genre's and have an online CD store. Our labels are Mountain Fever Records, Travianna Records, and Morning Glory Music. We also run a music studio located in Willis, Va. (Floyd, County) and encourage you to contact us!
Starroot Art & Music
Shop: www.etsy.com/listing/733532223/cd-of-starroots-forever-now-band-cosmic
Starroot is a visionary folk artist, painting colorful art with animals playing music and other happy scenes. Our Forever Now Band's new CD Cosmic Graffiti.... all original songs about the cosmos, planets, happenings in space....Starroot wants to only put art and music with positive vibes to our planet. Enjoy our cosmic music, great to dance to. Read more on our album cover panels above.
The Handmade Music School
www.handmademusicschool.com Shop:www.handmademusicschool.com/payments/
Providing private and group lessons, workshops, children’s classes, storytelling, and hosting an annual 4-day old time music camp, the Handmade Music School makes accessible and passes down local old time and bluegrass music and dance traditions. Located in beautiful Floyd, VA, the school’s philosophy is to “hand down” the songs and dances from the teacher to student, phrase-by-phrase and step by step, the way it’s been taught in the Blue Ridge Mountains for centuries.
Promo applies to PRIVATE LESSONS. Not to Workshops & Lectures